by Allen Edwards | Jun 30, 2020 | Articles
I’ve referenced our cheeky and hopefully-not-too-offensively named Teams channel in many of our past blog posts: Sh!t Allen Says. I’ve decided that today is the day to share it with you! Only light curation. These are only quotes that I claim are all mine:... by Allen Edwards | May 29, 2020 | ITDUG
Founder and President of Eureka Process, Allen Edwards, hosted a round-table discussion on a Survey of MSP tools. Of course, we focused heavily on documentation tools, but all tools were welcome. No tools vendors were allowed in the discussion. We’ll be taking... by Allen Edwards | Mar 16, 2020 | Articles
I had the pleasure over the last week to work with some great vendors to create this week’s blog post. There is nothing like working together, especially in these times of uncertainty in a world where a more-than-usual amount of events are dictating how we... by Allen Edwards | Mar 2, 2020 | ITDUG
This semi-informal session will host members of the IT Glue Product Team to give us a light product update and feature open feedback/Q&A/suggestion period for IT Glue users (and window browsers) to participate. Video Transcript Allen Edwards Welcome to the it... by Allen Edwards | Oct 1, 2019 | ITDUG
This webinar is a roundtable discussion from our community and around IT Glue and automation tips and tricks. If you use IT Glue, you don’t want to miss this. If you are looking into IT Glue, this is another great chance to see under the hood. [irp...